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7 Internet Trends of Things in 2017

IC is one of the transformative trends that will shape the future of commercial activity in 2017 and in the future. Many firms see great opportunities in the uses of IC and companies start to believe that CI holds the promise of improving customer relations and boosting business growth by improving quality, productivity and reliability on the one hand and, on the other hand, Reducing costs, risks and the possibility of theft. Adopting the right attitude, companies that deepen in IC will be rewarded with new clients, better prospects and greater customer satisfaction, to mention some advantages.Internet

With all this in mind, we will proceed to explore some of the CI trends that have an impact on business and technology in 2017:

1. IC and blockchain technology will converge

The block chain is more than a simple concept and has implications for many vertical elements beyond the Fitch including the CI. The blockchain technology is considered by many experts as the missing link to solving the problems of scalability, privacy, and reliability in IC. Block-string technology can be used to track billions of connected devices, allowing transaction processing and device coordination, which means significant savings for manufacturers in the CI industry. The decentralized approach would eliminate single points of failure, creating a more robust and resilient ecosystem for devices. The cryptographic algorithms used by the block chains would contribute to making the data of the consumers have a more private character. In 2017, IC will converge as the block chain to optimize security and privacy by opening the door to a new category in applications, hardware, and talent.

2. IC devices and more DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service)

Forrester believes that the recent DDoS attack that hit a staggering 1,600 websites in the United States was simply the tip of the iceberg when compared to the threat that the connected device poses to the world. The attack confirmed the fear of vulnerability of IC devices through a massive distributed denial of service attack that on October 21, 2016, paralyzed service servers such as Twitter, NetFlix, NYTimes and PayPal throughout the United States. UU. It was the consequence of a large attack that included millions of Internet addresses and malicious software, according to #Dyn, the main victim of this coup. “A source of traffic for the attacks were devices infected by the Mirai robot network.” All indicators suggest that countless IC devices that are part of everyday technology such as closed circuit cameras and smart home devices were hijacked by malware and used against servers.

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3. IC and “many moving moments”

IC is creating new opportunities and offering a competitive advantage for companies in current markets and new markets. It touches everything, not just the data, but how, when, where and why they are collected. The technologies that have created the Internet of Things are not only changing the Internet but also things connected to the Internet. There will be more mobile moments (the times when a person uses a mobile device to get what they want, immediately and in context) on the connected device, from home appliances and cars to smart clocks and virtual assistants. All these connected devices will have the potential to offer a rich flow of data that can then be used by the owners of the product and the service to interact with their consumers.

4. IC, artificial intelligence and containers

In a CI situation, AI can help companies bring together the billions of data points they have and reduce them to what is truly meaningful. The general premise is the same as in retail applications: reviewing and analyzing data that has been collected to find patterns or similarities that can be used to learn so that better decisions can be made.

By 2017, the Internet software of things will begin to be distributed through cloud services, state-of-the-art devices, and gateways. IC solutions included in modern micro services will also appear throughout the year (a focus on application development where a large application is built as a set of modular services Each module supports a specific business goal and uses a simple interface And well defined to communicate with other modules) and containers (light virtualization) that would work through this distributed architecture. On the other hand, the services in the automatic learning cloud and the Artificial Intelligence will be used to extract the data coming from the IC devices.

5. IC and connectivity

Connecting the different parts of the IC to the sensors can be done using technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, standard Ethernet, Long Term Evolution or LTE. Recent and promising Li-Fi technology (which uses light as a means of communication between different parts of a typical network, including sensors). In 2017, new wireless connection systems, such as 3GPP (NB) -IoT, LoRaWAN or Sigfox, will be tested. This will force decision makers in the IC case to evaluate more than 20 wireless connectivity options and protocols, which is a step in the right direction to establish standards for connectivity.

6. IC and talent shortage

Organizations launching CI projects including smart cities and industrial facilities are facing a difficult time in hiring talented staff. What complicates things is that it remains a challenge to find enough workers to ensure the operation of IC. According to the E-Systems survey, 45 percent of IC firms strive to locate accredited professionals. Thirty percent say they have difficulty locating digital marketing professionals. In 2017, the main industrial suppliers will invest in training and certifications in CI, making this discipline part of the most important training programs in the technological industry.

7. IC and new business models

The result is a true motivation to start, invest and manage any business. Without solid and secure business models for IC, we will have another bubble: this model must satisfy all the requirements of all classes of electronic commerce, both vertical and horizontal markets and consumer markets. A new business model including sharing the cost of devices with consumers, reducing the cost of ownership and making the user experience less tedious and more enjoyable. In 2017 new categories will appear in the smart markets. A key element is to link the service to the product, for example, without services such as voice recognition, streaming music and reservation service in Uber, to mention just a few, a device like Amazon’s Alexa would be considered simply another Wireless speaker more.


Shital regularly contributes on current health articles and healthy living ideas to health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.

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