How Mobile Games Are Profiting from Micro Transactions

The Mobile Industry is filled with games these days and all of them are unique and fun in their own way. The number of free games on the app stores is incredible and it’s only growing larger as time goes on.

Most of these free games have in game purchases called Micro-Transactions. Purchases you can make to further yourself with real money or buy little extras for the game.

There are tons of benefits for having Micro-Transactions both for the games themselves and the gamers. So let’s look at a few of these benefits in better detail.

The Benefits of Micro-Transactions


Micro-Transactions have been around for a long time and started mostly in MMO PC games back in the early to mid-2000s. Having games that played mostly for free, or even had a fee at some points, while having in game things you can buy was always an interesting thing to mess around with.

In the mobile scene with a lot of the games being free, Micro-Transactions are how the gaming companies behind the game make their money. And by making money they can make the game better with updates and more content within them.

Now the best thing about these in game purchases is that they are completely optional. You can pretty much play the entire game to the fullest with out ever spending a dime or dealing with a pay wall.

But playing completely free, as possible as it is, basically, makes it so some things will take longer for you to do. Where if you bought something in the game it could potentially speed up the process or further you in a good way depending on the game.

What they offer

In a lot of cases, Micro0-Transactions are just for simple things. More in game currency, more time currency to keep playing, or items to upgrade something within the game.

These things are all things that can be gotten in a game just by playing but it takes longer. Having the option to buy these to free up your time is entirely okay to do.

Money is valuable but replaceable, time is valuable and is nonrefundable. That’s not to say you should go out and spend all your money so you free up your time to play more it’s just a matter of opinion.

Micro-Transactions offer a lot, especially in character collector games that involved dozens of different characters to play as. In some games Micro-Transactions allow you to get more ways to obtain these characters.

Where as others flat out let you buy the characters you want with real money instead of taking cases in the random summons or lotto pulls. So it’s extremely helpful and a viable way to play a game if you can afford it and choose to do so.

How Mobile Games really profit

The big thing about Micro-Transactions is how much they help the game they’re in. As stated before, many mobile games are completely free to play and make no initial revenue where most games you pay for often do.

Free mobile games make their funding from Micro-Transactions and these are what give developers the means to make their games better and all around more fun. By giving you the option to support them by paying a little bit of money is a really good way to make you feel like you got the best bang for your buck.

Everything is optional and everything has its purpose and uses. There is no kind of Micro-Transaction in games that are useless in anyway or tries to scam you by paying for it.

Mobile games take time and money to make from developers and by putting your money in a little bit at a time helps them spend that time and money even better. Keeping Micro-Transactions alive is a good idea for everyone involved.

Keep the freedom and ability to choose to have the transactions and keep the benefits they give to both players and the developers making the game. They are a good system and should be around in all Mobile games for years to come, especially the free ones.

SpyHuman Android Monitoring App Review

In this digital era, you can monitor your employees and control your children using certain app. One of the recommended android monitoring apps is SpyHuman. This application will give you several advantages. You may find other similar programs on the market. However, not all of them have what SpyHuman has to offer.

The benefits of using SpyHuman

Based on the SpyHuman Home Page, this program has various great features. Those features will allow you to have more comprehensive monitoring over your children and workers. This comprehensive app surely gives you more convenience than other similar applications.

This Android program does not only offer you with comprehensive features. It also offers you with other conveniences. One of them is that it has various free features. Those free features are perfect for you who are on a budget but want to monitor your kids’ Android use. They are also suitable for you who want to prove the performance of this app before purchasing the premium version.

This Android monitoring app is easy to install. When you are installing it, you don’t need to root your Smartphone. In addition, this app has powerful user interface. Therefore, you will have no problem in operating. This responsive app will make you feel more in control.

SpyHuman features

Here are some of the features you will get from SpyHuman.

–                      Call logs monitoring

This feature monitors the call logs on the targeted device. It helps you find out the incoming and out coming call of that device.

–                       SMS tracker

It helps you track the text messages on the targeted device.

–                      Location tracker

It helps you find out the whereabouts of your device.

–                      Social Media tracker

It allows you to track the social media activity of the device. Some of the social media platforms can be tracked by this device are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Other features on this app are web monitoring, live monitoring, monitor gallery, and restrictions.

How to install SpyHuman

To install this Android monitoring app successfully, you must remember to read SpyHuman App Install Guide. This guide consists of step-by-step guide that can help you install the app without any troubles. First of all, you must create an account. You can log on to the home page to register. Once you have an account, you can download the app. To download the app, you can click this SpyHuman App Download Link. Once you download it, you can install it. You need to use your login details. After that, you must log on to the website to check the monitored data.

Top Tips on Designing your Business Card

Even though we rely more on digital technology such as email and text message than we did in the past, there are still a few things that have stayed the same. One of these things is the humble business card, which is still the best form of giving your details to someone face to face. However, to design great business cards, you still need to implement the help of technology, such as design software and printing methods.

The way you design your business card says a lot about you and your company, so you need to think about what you want to portray. Here are a few tips on designing a great business card to hand out to your clients and customers.

Keep to the Basics

Because you are working with paper printing, there are certain things you need to adhere to get the best results. You also need to make sure your font size will be legible at business card size. Also, make sure you’re aware of colors that clash with each other, and colors that are complementary.

Many designers use a grid style for their projects because it helps get all the information on the page and keeps things aligned, so think about putting your information into grid areas.

Get all the Information on your Design

You will only get a certain size to work with for a business card; this is typically 55x85mm. There can be slight variations, but you need to be able to fit all your information into this size. It might call for you to be a little creative with the space available.

You want to include the usual name, email address, phone number and maybe Skype or some other video conference app. Once you have included this information, you can decide if there is anything else you want to add to any space that is left.

Common Mistakes

Although creating your business card design is a fairly simple process, there are some things you should avoid. Even though you want to stand out from other people, try not to go over the top with your design. Maintain a professional touch so that people will take you seriously.

You also need to avoid harsh borders if possible, because it may look crooked if they do not print correctly.

Printing and Design

You don’t need to go to a designer for your business card design, there are other, less expensive ways to do the same job that are much easier. You can design and order batches of cards from websites that will print and deliver them to you. You can also use free software such as Adobe Spark which has a business card maker. You can choose a template and design your business cards easily; then you can either send the design to be printed or print them yourself if you have a printer that’s capable.

You need to remember that the design of the card is a reflection of you and your business. Use your cards to show your clients and customers that you are a professional person who can be trusted with their important projects. Just a simple business card can make all the difference.