Did not occur to you sometimes you want to change wallpaper and websites cannot find something of quality? In addition, some applications that we can find in the App Store prioritizes earning money rather than providing quality material. And eye: wanting to make money making applications is obvious, but you have to do it giving something good in return.
That is why we have sought a selection of applications for iOS that are not limited to link up databases where there are thousands of wallpapers that we never will, but provide galleries with wallpapers of good quality. There are, and most of your funds are going to cause people to ask you where you got them.
One of our favorite: Wallpapers that seem compositions, but are actually photographs taken from satellites in various parts of our solar system. Free on the App Store, but some of its collections are paid through integrated purchases.
InterfaceLIFT website is still one of the best to get wallpapers adapted from excellent photographs, and there is an official iOS application that makes it easy for you to adapt those wallpapers for your device.
Crystals Wallpaper
Like the style funds polygonal screen? This application does not offer you a gallery, but it allows you to generate your own backgrounds from colored polygons. You choose colors and shapes from a series of patterns, and that’s it. You can even export them in vector format so that they do not lose quality nor in the more detailed 5K screens.
Polygen follows the example of the previous application to create funds polygonal screen, but also lets you generate from photographs you have found the net or have in your own reel. You can even choose colors and density of polygons independently.
Splasher is an unofficial client for iOS that lets you browse all high resolution images Unsplash, a website that publishes a Creative Commons license that allows us to do whatever we want with them. The application is free and it facilitates the task of converting images in this gallery wallpapers for iOS.
Term bailing mode bonus this small but useful application for iOS which we spoke about three years ago: if you do not like to have a wallpaper too detailed on the main screen of the iPhone, Blur is responsible for applying a blur effect gaussian to highlight what you have to highlight: the system icons.
I have used it several times to have detailed wallpaper on the blocked screen that is then blurred on the main screen.